Sinhgad Technical Education Society's
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade
IQAC meeting 2023-24
IQAC Annual Report 2022-23
IQAC Meetings for A.Y 2022-23
IQAC Meetings for A.Y 2021-22
IQAC Meetings for A.Y 2020-21
IQAC Meetings for A.Y 2019-20
IQAC Meetings for A.Y. 2018-19
AAA Report 2022-23
AAA Report 2021-22
AAA Report 2020-21
AAA Report 2019-20
AAA Report 2018-19
1.4.1 Feedback Analysis Report Submitted to Appropriate Bodies
Feedback System 2022-2023
Feedback System 2021-22
Feedback System 2020-21
Feedback System 2019-20
Feedback System 2018-19
Comprehensive feedback, its analytics and action taken report
1.1.1 Academic Calendars 2018-2023
1.1.1 CIE supportive evidences of academic calender 2021-2022
1.1.1 CIE supportive evidences of academic calender 2022-2023
1.1.1 Curriculum transaction techniques- a case study exploration
1.1.1 Effective curriculum delivery flow chart
1.1.1 End term examination supportive evidences 2018-2023
1.1.1 Evolution of curriculum transaction 2018-2023
1.1.1 Manual on curriculum transaction
1.1.1 Problem statement, co-po matrix, internal assesment, co-po attainment & course exit survey
1.1.1 Remedial Sessions
1.1.1 Sample Course file -CBHRM
1.1.1 SPPU - Academic Calendars 2018-2023
1.1.1 SPPU Exam Details
1.3.1 Additional Activities - cross cutting issues
1.3.1 Outcomes & Achievements
1.3.1 Summary, list & description of courses & activities
1.3.2 SIP Certificates (Institute and Company certificates)
1.3.2 SIP Data( Supportive Evidences)
1.4.1 Feedback System Details
1.4.1 Comprehensive feedback, its analytics and action taken report 2022-2023
2.1.2 Final Admission Student List Published By HEI
2.1.2 Percentage of seats filled against resereved category
2.3 Student Centric Methods
2.3.1 Student Centric Methods link
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome
2.6.1 co po 2019 pattern
2.6.1 co po 2019 revised pattern
2.6.1 co po 2016 pattern
2.6.2 link obe document
2.6.3 Annual Result Summary 2018-19 to 2022-23
3.2 Entrepreneurship Activity
3.2 IPR Activity
RM Activity Entrepreneurship and BMC Report 2023 [signed] Faculty Development Program Report[signed] Intellectual Property Rights 2018 Report [signed] Books Research Publication With First Page Cleanliness Drive & Awareness E-Jal He To Kal He E-Waste & Plastic Waste Road Safety Awareness
3.5.1 ExcelR Activity
3.5.1 Makewell Consultants
3.5.1 Soham Dadarkar Academy
3.5.1 Warman Associates.pdf
ISR Cell
3.1.1 Manisha Phate
3.1.1 Grant Recived Policy document of research-innovation and extension for SKNSSBM
3.2 List of Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Entrepreneurship Activities conducted during the year (2018-19)
3.2 List of Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Entrepreneurship Activities conducted during the year (2019-20)
3.2 List of Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Entrepreneurship Activities conducted during the year (2020-21)
3.2 List of Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Entrepreneurship Activities conducted during the year (2021-22)
3.2 List of Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Entrepreneurship Activities conducted during the year (2022-23) IIC reports IPR IKS Ankur Ph. d. Increments
3.2.1 List Of Workshops , Seminars Conducted 2018-19
3.2.1 List Of Workshops , Seminars Conducted 2019-20
3.2.1 List Of Workshops , Seminars Conducted 2020-21
3.2.1 List Of Workshops , Seminars Conducted 2021-22
3.2.1 List Of Workshops , Seminars Conducted 2022-23
3.3.1 Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC CARE 2018-19
3.3.1 Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC CARE 2019-20
3.3.1 Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC CARE 2020-21
3.3.1 Number of research papers in the journals notified on UGC CARE 2021-22
3.3.1 Number of research papers in the journals notified on UGC CARE 2022-23
3.3.2 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during year 2018-19
3.3.2 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during year 2019-20
3.3.2 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during year 2020-21
3.3.2 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during year 2021-22
3.3.2 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during year 2022-23
3.4.1 Outcomes of the extension activities Outcomes of extension activities in the neighborhood community
3.4.2 Awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government
3.4.3 List of extension and outreach Programs conducted during the year 2018-19
3.4.3 List of extension and outreach Programs conducted during the year 2019-20
3.4.3 List of extension and outreach Programs conducted during the year 2020-21
3.4.3 List of extension and outreach Programs conducted during the year 2021-22
3.4.3 List of extension and outreach Programs conducted during the year 2022-23
3.4.3 Photographs with captions & dates of extension and outreach Programs conducted during the year 2018-19
3.4.3 Photographs with captions & dates of extension and outreach Programs conducted during the year 2019-20
3.4.3 Photographs with captions & dates of extension and outreach Programs conducted during the year 2020-21
3.4.3 Photographs with captions & dates of extension and outreach Programs conducted during the year 2021-22
3.4.3 Photographs with captions & dates of extension and outreach Programs conducted during the year 2022-23
4.1.1_1 Infrastructure Facilities ICT Facilities Cultural Facilities Sports Facilities Gymnasium & Yoga facilities Other campus facilities. Library as a learning resource
5.2.1 DVV 2 Specific Placement Letters
DVV 2022-2023 Placement Data
DVV 2021-2022 Placement Data
DVV 2020-2021 Placement Data
DVV 2019-2020 Placement Data
DVV 2018-2019 Placement Data
5.2.1 DVV Placement Policy Document
5.2.1 DVV Specific Offer Letters
5.2.1 DVV-List of Students Progression to Higher Education
5.1.4 AICTE Norms
5.2.1 Placement Details 2022-23
5.2.1 Placement Details 2021-22
5.2.1 Placement Details 2020-21
5.2.1 Placement Details 2019-20
5.2.1 Placement Details 2018-19 Higher Education New
5.2.1 Placement details 2018-19
5.2.1 Placement details 2019-20
5.2.1 Placement details 2020-21
5.2.1 Placement details 2021-22
5.2.1 Placement details 2022-23 List of students progression to higher education
6.2.1 Institutional Perspective Plan and Deployment
6.3.3 Annual Report 2022-23
6.3.3 Annual Report 2021-22
6.3.3 Annual Report 2020-21
6.3.3 Annual Report 2019-20
6.3.3 Annual Report 2018-19
7.1.1 Safety Security and Gender Sensitization
SSR Old (NAAC First Cycle)
Competency Mapping
1.1.1 Course File CBHRM
1.1.2 Supportive Evidences Academic Calender
1.3.2 Experiencial learning through internship during the year 2022-23_compressed.pdf
1.4.1 Stakeholders Feedback Report Analysis
2.2 No of seats embarked category
2.2.1 Web link final upload
2.3.1 Student centric final upload
2.3.2 ICT tools for teaching Learning Process
2.5.1 Internal exam final upload
2.5.2 Mechanism to deal with internal exam related grievances 2022-2023
2.6 student performance and learning outcomes for website
2.6.1 pos and cos for website_compressed
2.6.2 attainment of po & co by sknssbm
2.6.3 Pass percentage of students during the year 2022-23 batch 2021-23
2.7.1 Student Satisfaction survey scanned
Activity Report
3.2 Number of sanctioned post
3.2.2 Workshops and Seminars
3.3.1 naac sknssbm research papers
3.4.2 Certificates
3.4.3 Compressed Infrastructure Facilities
4.1.3 Classroom with ICT, LMS
4.2.1 Library as a learning resource
4.2.2 books, journals and e-resources
4.3.1 IT facilities
4.4.2 Maintenance Procedure
5.2.1 List of Students Progressing to Higher Education
5.2.1 Placement
5.3.2 student council 2022-23 (link)_compressed (1)-compressed
5.4.1 link informatrion
6.1.2 Institutes Mission, Vision
6.2.1 The institutional strategic perspective plan is effectively deployed
6.2.2 A – The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc
6.2.2 B - organogram of the institution
6.3.1 Welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff
6.3.5 Institutions performance appraisal system for teaching and non- teaching staff
6.4.1 Internal and external financial audits
6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources
6.5.1 Internal quality assurance cell (iqac) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes Annual gender sensitization plan specific facilities for women like saftey and security (2) constitutional day human rights
7.1.10_code of conduct
7.2.1 Best practice I
7.2.2 Best practice II
7.3 Institutional distinctiveness
2.3.2 ICT Tools enabled effective teaching learning process
AQAR 20-21
Academic Calendar 2021-22
1.4.2 Feedback of stakeholders
2.1.2 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI State Govt. rule during the year
2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey for the Academic year 2021-22
2.6.1 - Programme and course outcomes for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students
3.2 Extended Profile
3.2.2 Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship during the year
4.1.1 Infrasturctur and physical facilities
4.1.1. SKNSSBM Photos of infrastructure
4.1.2 Cultural and Sports Facility
5.1.3 NAAC
6.2.2 Organogram of the Institution
7.1.1_Annual Gender Sensitization_Plan
7.2.1 Best Practices
7.1.1_Security and Safety Measures_Girls Commen room
7.1.9 _1_Constitutional Workshop and Celebration Of Constitutional Day
7.1.9_2_Human Right Workshop
7.1.10_Code _of Conduct
2.7 Students Satisfaction Survey
AQAR Yearly Status Report - 2018-2019